Book chapters
Thomas, W.P., & Collier, V.P. (2019). Dual language education for all. In D. DeMatthews & E. Izquierdo (Eds.). Dual language education: Teaching and leading in two languages (pp. 91-105). New York: Springer. PDF
Collier, V.P., & Thomas, W.P. (2012). What really works for English language learners: Research-based practices for principals. In G. Theoharis & J. Brooks (Eds.), What every principal needs to know to create equitable and excellent schools (pp. 155-173). New York: Teachers College Press. PDF
Collier, V.P., & Thomas, W.P. (2007). Predicting second language academic success in English using the Prism Model. In J. Cummins & C. Davison (Eds.), International handbook of English language teaching, Part 1 (pp. 333-348). New York: Springer. PDF
Collier, V.P. (2004). Teaching multilingual children. Abridged versions of Teaching and Language chapters from Ovando, Collier & Combs (2003), published in an anthology, O. Santa Ana (Ed.), Tongue-tied: The lives of multilingual children in public education (pp. 222-235). Lanham, MD: Rowman & Littlefield.
Thomas, W.P., & Collier, V.P. (2000). Accelerated schooling for all students: Research findings on education in multilingual communities. In S. Shaw (Ed.), Intercultural education in European classrooms (pp. 15-35). Stoke on Trent, United Kingdom: Trentham Books. PDF
Collier, V.P., & Thomas, W.P. (1999). Developmental bilingual education. In F. Genesee (Ed.), Program alternatives for linguistically and culturally diverse students (pp. 19-24). Santa Cruz, CA: Center for Research on Education, Diversity and Excellence, University of California-Santa Cruz. PDF
Thomas, W.P., & Collier, V.P. (1998). Assessment and evaluation. In C.J. Ovando & V.P. Collier, Bilingual and ESL classrooms: Teaching in multicultural contexts (2nd ed.) (pp. 240-268). New York: McGraw-Hill. PDF
Collier, V.P. (1996). The education of language minority students: United States policies, practices, and assessment of academic achievement. In SCAA Invitational Conference on Teaching and Learning English as an Additional Language (pp. 16-50). London: School Curriculum and Assessment Authority of the United Kingdom. PDF
Collier, V.P. (1995). Second language acquisition for school: Academic, cognitive, sociocultural and linguistic processes. In J.E. Alatis et al. (Eds.), Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics 1995 (pp. 311-327). Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press. PDF
Collier, V.P., & Thomas, W.P. (1993). How quickly can immigrants become proficient in school English? Symposium on Bilingual Education: Summaries of Recent Research. Olympia, WA: Washington State Institute for Public Policy.
Gandara, P., Faltis, C., & Collier, V.P. (1993). Accountability, equity and assessment. In C. Minicucci & L. Olsen (Eds.), Educating students from immigrant families: Meeting the challenge in secondary schools (pp. 81-87). Santa Cruz, CA: National Center for Research on Cultural Diversity and Second Language Learning.
Collier, V.P. (1986). Cross-cultural policy issues in minority and majority parent involvement. In Issues of parent involvement and literacy (pp. 73-78). Washington, DC: National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition. PDF
Collier, V.P. (1985). University models for ESL and bilingual teacher training. In Issues in English language development (pp. 81-90). Washington, DC: National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition. PDF
Collier, V.P. (1981). A sociological case study of bilingual education and its effects on the schools and the community. In Outstanding dissertations in bilingual education, 1981: Recognized by the National Advisory Council on Bilingual Education. Washington, DC: National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition. PDF
Encyclopedia Articles
Collier, V.P. (2000). Bilingual education. In World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book Publishing. PDF
Collier, V.P. (1989). Education: Bilingualism. In 1989 Americana Annual/Encyclopedia Year Book (pp. 211-212). Danbury, CT: Grolier. PDF
Carder, M., with Mertin, P. & Porter, S., Foreword by V. P. Collier (2018) Second Language Learners in International Schools, London: University College London/Institute of Education Press. PDF
E. Murphy & C.A. Gellar (Eds.). Foreword by V. P. Collier (2003). International Schools Journal Compendium on Bilingual and ESL Education. Suffolk, UK: John Catt Educational Publishers PDF